
Web Design and Development
Mackbook pro showcasing the landingpage of ErixArt

The Challenge

Erix Art, an online platform for contemporary artist Eric, needed a website that showcased his vibrant works and reflected his artistic vision. The main objective was to create an elegant, easy-to-navigate platform to display Erix's art. Strong branding was essential to establish a unique identity for Erix Art.

Inspired by Eric's bold and eclectic style, the design balanced simplicity with vibrancy. The challenge was to create a clean, modern interface that complemented the artwork without overshadowing it.

We developed a custom logo, bespoke icons, and a cohesive color scheme. The color scheme uses bold contrasts to highlight the artwork.

The design process began with research and mood boards, followed by wireframes and high-fidelity mockups. Feedback sessions led to the final design, balancing form and function.

Using Webflow, the development phase ensured a responsive, fast-loading, and easy-to-update website. Custom animations and SEO best practices were integrated for enhanced user engagement and visibility.

The main challenge was ensuring the design complemented, not overshadowed, the artwork. Achieving a cohesive branding package that reflected Eric's vision required careful consideration and iterations.

Since launch, the website has received positive feedback, increased user engagement, and more inquiries about the artwork. The design and branding successfully highlighted Eric's work and attracted the target audience.


Branding assets created for ErixArtBranding assets created for ErixArt

Eric Trip


Website of Erixart

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